Bachelor in Design and Multimedia

The Degree in Design and Multimedia (LDM) favours a solid basic training in Communication Design, Multimedia and Information Technology, seeking to develop a broad spectrum of skills essentially designed for the continuation of studies towards a master’s degree.

It is proposed an innovative training that specializes the professional with multidisciplinary conception and dialogue skills for the exercise of Design with a strong exploration of digital media.

The ongoing transformations in a globalised and technological world pose new challenges and new strategies of an economic, environmental, social and cultural nature, for which the designer must be able to respond in a world where the means and technological tools are constantly changing.

Master in Design and Multimedia

The Master in Design and Multimedia (MDM) trains professionals specialising in the design and development of products and services for new media. To this end, it combines the practices of Design with those of Computing, providing advanced training in design for digital media. The MDM is intended primarily for students with previous training in Design, Computing and Arts.

MDM is differentiated by the adoption of Programming and its application to domains such as Communication Design, Generative Design, Interaction Design, Game Design, Service Design, Web Design, Typography and Visualisation.
In this way, it enhances the training of professionals capable of combining in an innovative way Computing with the practice of Design.

For the reasons indicated above, the Master in Design and Multimedia has several competitive advantages over other professionals. On the one hand, it can explore professional opportunities in communication design, interaction design, digital arts, etc., standing out by combining technological skills with solid Design knowledge. On the other hand, in the context of the
software and services industries, you are also able to dialogue and coordinate cross-functional project teams, bridging the gap with other professionals.